It is the mission of the NCH Department of Medical Education to provide high-quality, up‐to‐date, evidence‐based, and learner‐focused education to students, residents, and fellows. The Faculty Development Seminar Series is one of the blue chips of the hospital and is one of the many initiatives of the hospital leadership. In addition, the ACGME and the LCME require that Faculty Development be part of the institution’s culture. These seminar series are created to be a forum for training faculty in teaching, research, leadership, and administration.

Our Faculty Development Series is targeted to Primary Care Physicians and Sub-Specialty Physicians. (These courses are intended for NCHS faculty, employees, and rotating staff)

Below is a list of all the available Faculty Development Sessions within iLearn.

Virtual Grand Rounds
Objectives: (1) Describe the relevant ethical, legal, and practical implications associated with decisional capacity when treating or conducting research with minors. (2) Provide a framework for assessing the decisional capacity of minors in clinical and research settings. (3) Present a model for balancing the autonomy rights of minors with their need for protection using information about decisional capacity. [Recorded 04/09/2021]


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