Your Company Name Here
Here you may enter any vital information about your organization or company. There is a limit of 1500 characters within this space, and for better placement and readability we recommend structuring this in no more than 4 paragraphs. We can include a photo of a rep and direct contact information for this representative. A "Chat with us now" feature is available (note: a schedule of available times will be posted below your button. You can only select an available time that does not interfere with the live educational portions of the conference. We will contact you with available dates/times). This button can redirect to a "Contact Us" form or directly to an email address once the live portion of the conference is over.
In addition to your bio, you can include the following: A direct link to your website or web-page of your choosing, a direct link to download a brochure or hand-out (file size limit of 1GB, limited to PDF, PPT, or Word files), and a 3rd optional link of your choosing (link out to social media page, or other).
Embedded video must be hosted on an external platform (e.g. YouTube, Viemo) and you must provide a direct link to this video. The video settings must allow the video to be embedded onto our platform.
Contact Information

1234 S. Street, Suite ABC
City, State
Rep. Name
Connection Availability: 03/19 (6:00 - 8:00 PM EST), and 03/21 (8:00 - 11:00 AM EST, and during break)