[Last Updated 08/05/2021, 17:12]

Frequently Asked Questions

Click each question below to expand and view answers/instructions

I forgot how to log in, how do I access my account?
How can I tell if my account is under my NCH email or under a visitor email?
Where can I see my credits?
I see only 1 attendance credit, but not CME credits. How do I get my CMEs?
I am trying to complete the form, but it won’t let me go through. How can I complete this?
I completed all the requirements and got my CME, but it does not show on CE Broker. Why not?
How do I get my certificate?
How do I access the course?

Don't see your question? Submit your question clicking "Add New Comment" below and we'll get back to you as soon as possible

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  • Compatible Devices: The course will work best on a desktop PC or Mac, running the latest version of Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge. You may access the course via tablet or mobile, but some objects of the course may not display properly.
  • Compatible Web Browser: For the best experience, we recommend using the latest version of Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge. Mozilla Firefox is fully supported by iLearn but is not supported by our Virtual Networking Hall platform.
  • Mobile Devices: YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO COMPLETE ALL THE REQUIREMENTS VIA PHONE. Most mobile browsers will be unable to display all the course contents properly. Please make sure you complete your forms and evaluations on a Desktop Computer.

Click here to download Google Chrome, or click here to download Microsoft Edge.

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  • Log in to iLearnPeds.com – You should see your name on the blue bar at the top of the page
  • Please access the course by going to ilearnpeds.com/56ppgc/access (you will not be able to access the page if you’re not logged in)

    NOTE: This link will be accessible March 19, at 3:00 PM EST.
  • You will receive a direct link via email to watch the live broadcasts, one hour before the broadcasts start (at 3 PM EST tomorrow, and at 9:45 AM EST on Saturday and Sunday).This link will let you watch the broadcast directly via YouTube.
  • Can’t watch live? As the broadcast will stream via YouTube, you will be able to access the playback at any point during the 6 months of the conference to watch any portions you miss.

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    The reception will be immediately following the live broadcast on Friday, March 19, at 6:00 PM EST.
    Click “Virtual Networking Hall” after entering via the PPGC Course Access page.
    Use the password sent to you via email to access the course.

    Access to the Virtual Networking Hall closed on Sunday, March 21.

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    VOD Sessions will be available Monday, March 22, 2020. To view the Video-on-Demand section, click here.

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    Claiming an Attendance Certificate

    • ​​​​You must complete each of the daily speaker evaluations for the Live Broadcast (links to each evaluation are below each video)
    • Once you complete the daily evaluations, you can complete the live activity evaluation. The button to begin this evaluation is visible from the course progress menu on the left.
    • You will receive an email with a link to claim your certificate. You will be asked to complete an attestation. Once you complete this, your certificate will be available for download.
    • NOTE: This is only a certificate of participation in the course and does qualify you or make you eligible for CME credit.
    • You have until September 21, 2021, at 11:59 pm to claim your attendance certificate. Once you claim it will be accessible through your transcripts

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    Claiming an CME Certificate

    To view the CME Add-On portion of the course, click here. You will be notified on this page of any pending requirements.

    • Complete each of the daily speaker evaluations for the Live Broadcast (links to each evaluation are below each video)
    • Once you complete the daily evaluations, you can complete the live activity evaluation. The button to begin this evaluation is visible from the course progress menu on the left.
    • BEGINING MARCH 23: Complete the Video-On-Demand Speaker evaluation, then the Activity Evaluation (you must complete the latter before the former is available)
    • Once you complete the activity evaluation you will receive an email with a link to claim your CME credits. You will be asked to complete an attestation.
    • NOTE: You do not have to watch ALL of the video-on-demand presentations to complete the Speaker Evaluations and Activity Evaluation - however: please note you will only be able to claim this form ONCE and will not be able to claim additional CME credit for the course once you have completed the CME claim.

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    Claiming an MOC Certificate

    To view the MOC Add-On portion of the course, click here. You will be notified on this page of any pending requirements.

    • ​​​​​BEGINING MARCH 23: MOC registrants will receive a link to complete the MOC evaluation.
    • Review/complete the Live and Video-on-Demand portions of the course.
    • Go to the MOCAdd-on page here: www.ilearnpeds.com/56ppgc/moc to access the MOC Assessment
    • Click "Take Course" to start and read the instructions before you begin the assessment.
    • The assessment consists of 64 questions, 2 for each session within the course (live and on-demand).
    • You may stop and return to the test where you left off.
    • A score of > 70% is required to pass. You will have two attempts to complete the MOC assessment with a passing score.
    • You will receive feedback on each question once you submit the answer.
    • The deadline to complete the MOC assessment is April 24th, 2021, 11:59 PM EST

    Please note, there is NO MOC CERTIFICATE. Credits will be reported to the ABP either manually (on April 26) or automatically by the system. Once your credit has been reported, you will receive an email from the ABP confirming the credits. At this time (04/14/2021), credits are not being reported automatically due to a system error, please wait until April 26 when will report all MOC credits earned for this activity. If you have not received your ABP confirmation email, please review your contact details, and review your iLearn profile to ensure your board id number is correct.

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    Viewing my transcript and credits

    More information on how to access your transcripts can be found in the following user guide:


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    Don't see your question? Click "Add New Comment" below and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!






    Maureen Mendoza replied on

    Buenas tardes 

    es la primera vez que accedo a un curso de este nivel


    edwin delgado cabanillas replied on