Submitted by Gabby Atkin on
iLearn Notice: CE Broker Reporting Issues (Update)
CE Broker Will Now Verify Names When Receiving Credit Reports
Tuesday, April 11, 2023 - by Support
In our previous posting from January 4, 2023, we notified users of an issue that was discovered when the system reports credits to CE Broker. This issue only affects those eligible to have credits reported to CE Broker by our system, i.e. licensed Medical Doctors who select to report their credits within their iLearn profile.
We are unfortunately unable to modify CE Broker's reporting requirements and must provide this information when forwarding the information from our system. Therefore, we ask all users to review their profile details to ensure their name is written exactly as it is in their FL DOH License. If you're unsure about how your name is written, you can use the FL DOH License Verification Tool to look up your details. Make sure any middle names included in your license are also listed in your iLearn Profile, along with any hyphens or special characters. Examples will be posted in this page at a later time.
If you need assistance, make sure to contact us or send us an email at [email protected].