How to access your credits and how to view and download your Transcript and Certificates.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020 (Updated 11/16/2020)

One of the main reasons for upgrading our platform was to provide an easier method for our learners and participants to access their records. Gone are the days where we have to send you an activity code just so you can access that activity's certificate. By accessing the "My Account" via the menu bar, you will be able not only view any pending activities, but also review your completed courses, download your transcript or an activity certificate, and even record any external credits earned.

For a follow-along tutorial check out our video below.

A picture step-by-step guide (.pdf) can be downloaded here:PDF icon User Guide - Transcripts & Certificates.pdf


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Buenos días,

He completado las actividades, pero al parecer el sistema no las reconoce y no puedo descargar el certificado

Jose Quinto replied on