SSO, or Single Sign On Login, is available for all NCHS staff and affiliate members with NCH credentials.

How do you know if you have access to this feature? If you have an NCH email address and computer log-in credentials, you will be able to access this site using the SSO feature. 

To log in:
  1. Click the Log In/ Register button on the top right of the page
  2. Select the option on the left hand side "Nicklaus Children’s Hospital Login"
    1. If you're alredy logged in to your NCH computer, or if you are logged in from a personal device via Citrix, you will be logged in automatically
    2. If you're logging in from outside of the NCH network, you will be taken to a Windows login page where you will enter your NicklausHealth.org email and your password.
  3. You will then be taken back to the iLearn home page.

Watch the video below for a step by step guide:



Once you've completed the steps above you must notify the Medical Education staff that your account is ready so we may assign your forms. Please email us at [email protected].

If you have already notified Med Ed, and your forms were already assigned, you can proceed to...




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