Balagangadhar Totapally

Dr. Totapally is the Chief of the Division of Critical Care Medicine and the Medical Director of PICU at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital and the Program Director for Pediatric Critical Care Fellowship training. He completed his Pediatric Residency at Hurley Medical Center, Flint, Michigan, one year of Fellowship training in Neonatology at the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada, and a Fellowship in Pediatric Critical Care Medicine at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital, Miami, Florida. He is board certified in pediatrics, pediatric critical care medicine and neurocritical care. He has published over 80 manuscripts in peer-reviewed jouranals. He led the implementation of the Rapid Response Team and the Pediatric Early Warning Scoring at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital. He has been a physician leader for several blue-chip initiatives of the Nicklaus Children’s Hospital quality pillar: including, reduction in bloodstream infections, ventilator associated pneumonias, and catheter associated UTIs and improved safety of TPN administration. Dr. Totapally is passionate about teaching residents and fellows. Over the years he received several Best Teacher awards from the residents.