Jim Duffee, MD, MPH
James Duffee MD, MPH, FAAP is a pediatrician and child psychiatrist with clinical appointments in the Departments of Pediatrics and Psychiatry at Boonshoft School of Medicine in Dayton, Ohio. He is the chair of the Executive Committee of the Council on Community Pediatrics for the American Academy of Pediatrics and chair of the Medical Advisory Council for the program for children with medical handicaps at the Ohio Department of Health. Dr. Duffee is lead author of the recent AAP policies on Child Poverty in the US, Early Childhood Home Visiting, and Trauma Informed Care in Child Health Systems.
In 2006, Dr. Duffee received the Health Care Delivery Award from the Academic Pediatric Association for founding a comprehensive pediatric medical home in an historically under-resourced community in Springfield, Ohio. He was recognized in 2008 by the Ohio Chapter of the AAP as the Outstanding Pediatrician of the Year and in 2014 with the William H. Cotton Physician Advocacy Award. Now retired from clinical care, he works part-time as a consultant to the Bureau of Maternal, Child and Family Health at the Ohio Department of Health.
Financial relationships
Type of financial relationship:There are no financial relationships to disclose.Date added:02/15/2022Date updated:02/15/2022