Rebeca Calderon, Pharm.D.
Rebeca Calderon is an Infectious Disease Clinical Pharmacy Specialist at Nicklaus Children's Hospital, where she has served as co-lead of the Antimicrobial Stewardship program since 2014. She completed her Bachelor's Degree in Biology from Florida International University, and her Doctorate in Pharmacy from the University of Illinois at Chicago. She then completed her PGY-1 Pharmacy Residency and Teaching Certificate at the VA Caribbean Healthcare System. She currently serves as adjunct faculty for University of Florida, Nova Southeastern University, and the NCH Pharmacy Residency Program. She has a passion for pharmacokinetics, contributing to the safe and effective delivery of medications, and fostering independent learning in those she has the privilege of teaching. During her leisure time, she enjoys gardening, sewing, painting and spending time with her children.
Financial relationships
Type of financial relationship:There are no financial relationships to disclose.Date added:10/13/2021Date updated:10/13/2021