Mary Anne Jackson, MD, FAAP, FIDSA, FPIDS

Mary Anne Jackson, MD, FAAP, FIDSA, FPIDS
Professor of Pediatrics and Dean, University of MO-Kansas City School of Medicine
Children’s Mercy, Kansas City, Division Infectious Diseases
A 1978 graduate of the UMKC School of Medicine, Dr. Jackson completed a pediatric residency at Cincinnati Children’s, and infectious diseases fellowship at the University of Texas Southwestern, before joining the faculty at Children’s Mercy Kansas City in 1984. Acknowledged locally, regionally, and nationally as an astute clinician and educator on pediatrics and pediatric infectious diseases topics, she is recognized for developing one of the most robust pediatric infectious diseases programs in the country and for educating thousands of students, residents, fellows, and faculty in pediatrics throughout her nearly 40-year career. In 2019, she was recognized with the American Academy of Pediatrics award for Lifetime Contribution in Infectious Diseases Education. A fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Infectious Disease Society of America, and the Pediatric Infectious Disease Society, she served as a member of the National Vaccine Advisory Committee from 2017-2021. She has also been elected to Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society, the American Pediatric Society, the Society of Pediatric Research, and the Academic Pediatric Association. She is a national thought leader in pediatric infectious disease topics and in 2014 with her colleagues at Children’s Mercy, she identified the first cases of enterovirus D68 infection, leading to a CDC investigation that alerted pediatric providers around the country to the largest outbreak ever of this unique virus that led to respiratory failure and a polio like syndrome that followed infection. Her research efforts have focused on characterization of Kawasaki disease, prevention of antibiotic resistance, judicious use of antibiotics, emerging viruses, and optimal use of vaccines. During the COVID-19 pandemic, she has served on advisory committees at the University, the state and national level. For the last 5 years, Dr. Jackson has been the Dean of the UMKC School of Medicine, working to promote recruitment and retention of a diverse student body and faculty, to inspire changes in an already innovative curriculum and to promote a vibrant discovery enterprise for their MD degree programs, the Master’s in Science Physician Assistant, the Master’s in Science Anesthesia Assistant and Graduate Health Education programs.