Remembering Your Why: How to Reduce Burnout, Wake Up Inspired, and Be More Fulfilled
Virtual Grand Rounds
After this Virtual Grand Round, participants should be able to: 1. Become more familiar with professional burnout and its overwhelming impact on physicians, providers, and patients, 2. Understand how “remembering your why” can prevent and reduce professional burnout, and 3. Become familiar with the key insights on how to reduce burnout, become more fulfilled, and wake up inspired every day. [Recorded 1/19/2024]
  • Online/Vir...See more
  • Professional Wellness
  • Virtual Grand Rounds
  • Faculty Development
  • Open to All
  • Enduring Material
Cost $25.00
HSCT -TMA: Strategies in Screening & Risk -Stratification to Improve Outcomes
Virtual Grand Rounds
After this Virtual Grand Round, participants should be able to: 1. Demonstrate the diagnostic criteria of transplant-associated thrombotic microangiopathy, 2. Know the signs and symptoms of transplant-associated thrombotic microangiopathy, and 3. Know the management of transplant-associated thrombotic microangiopathy. [Recorded 01/26/2024]
  • Online/Vir...See more
  • Virtual Grand Rounds
  • Open to All
  • Pathology
  • Pediatric Cardiology
  • Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
  • Pediatric Hematology-Oncology
  • Pediatric Nephrology
  • Enduring Material
Cost $25.00
Pediatric Hydrocephalus: The Full Story
Virtual Grand Rounds
After this Virtual Grand Round, participants should be able to: 1. Understand the basic pathophysiology of pediatric hydrocephalus, 2. Appreciate the complexity of pediatric hydrocephalus, and 3. Understand the basics of a ventriculoperitoneal shunt. [Recorded 02/02/2024]
  • Online/Vir...See more
  • Virtual Grand Rounds
  • Open to All
  • Enduring Material
Cost $25.00
A (Mostly) Evidence-Based Approach to Urinary Incontinence
Virtual Grand Rounds
After this Virtual Grand Round, participants should be able to: 1. Recognize the causes of organic, structural, and neurogenic incontinence, 2. Diagnose and treat simple functional daytime urinary incontinence, and 3. Discuss the types of complex functional incontinence and treatment options. [Recorded 2/9/2024]
  • Online/Vir...See more
  • Virtual Grand Rounds
  • Enduring Material
Cost $25.00
Fired for Using Facebook: Laws, Ethics, & Professionalism in the Use of Social Media
Virtual Grand Rounds
After this Virtual Grand Round, participants should be able to: 1. Understand how social media is being used by patients, families, and health care providers personally and professionally, 2. Identify professional liability risks associated with the use of social media, and 3. Discuss liability issues related to videotaping during patient care. [Recorded 03/01/2024]
  • Online/Vir...See more
  • Virtual Grand Rounds
  • Open to All
  • Professional Wellness
  • General Pediatrics
  • Nursing
  • Enduring Material
Cost $25.00
Culture, Trust, and Quality
Virtual Grand Rounds
After this Virtual Grand Round, participants should be able to: 1. Identify multiple ways to improve psychological safety, 2. Describe the concept of "The Just Culture", and 3. Identify the ways in which they can create trust in themselves. [Recorded 03/15/2024]
  • Online/Vir...See more
  • Virtual Grand Rounds
  • Faculty Development
  • Open to All
  • Quality Improvement
  • General Pediatrics
  • Pediatric Hospital Medicine
  • Enduring Material
Cost $25.00
Pediatric Cholestasis and Biliary Atresia Review
Virtual Grand Rounds
After this Virtual Grand Round, participants should be able to: 1. Review Primary Causes of Cholestasis in Pediatrics, 2. Recognize the Findings and Clues for Early Diagnosis and Referral for Biliary Atresia, 3. Recognize New Forms of Progressive Familia Intrahepatic Cholestasis (PFIC) and management. [Recorded 9/27/2024]
  • Online/Vir...See more
  • Virtual Grand Rounds
  • Open to All
  • Family Medicine
  • General Pediatrics
  • Medical Genetics
  • Pediatric Gastroenterology
  • Enduring Material
Cost $25.00
Parental Presence in the Operating Room
Virtual Grand Rounds
After this Virtual Grand Round, participants should be able to: 1. Describe the importance of perioperative anxiety in the pediatric population and the different therapies available to decrease its impact during induction of Anesthesia, 2. Discuss the potential risks or benefits of parental presence during induction of anesthesia in the operating room, 3. Recognize the importance of adequate screening for parental and child perioperative anxiety levels and the impact during induction of anesthesia, and 4. Analyze the impact parental presence in the operating room has on hospital/care satisfaction surveys and recognize the potential impact these have on hospital funding. [Recorded 10/4/2024]
  • Online/Vir...See more
  • Virtual Grand Rounds
  • Open to All
  • Anesthesiology
  • General Pediatrics
  • Enduring Material
Cost $25.00
Environmental Justice: Engaging With Communities to Improve Child Health & Well Being
Virtual Grand Rounds
After this Virtual Grand Round, participants should be able to: 1. Describe how environmental exposures are distributed inequitably and contribute to health disparities in children, 2. Identify ways to recognize and address the disproportionate impact of environmental exposures in clinical practice, 3. Describe actions to improve environmental exposures and health equity through community engagement and advocacy. [Recorded 11/8/2024]
  • Online/Vir...See more
  • Virtual Grand Rounds
  • Faculty Development
  • Open to All
  • Health Disparities
  • Health Equity
  • Enduring Material
Cost $25.00