Department of Continuing Medical Education

Speaker ConfirmationForm

As the author of your presentation, we ask for your assistance in preparing the MOC coursework required for participants that register for MOC Part 2 credit.
Please complete the following form to submit two multiple-choice questions related to the content of you talk. You will need to provide:

  • TWO multiple-choice questions,
  • Each question needs FOUR answer options.
  • You cannot use "All of the above" as an answer option.

Click "Save Draft" below to save this form and return at a later date or "Next Page" to proceed to the next page. You will be able to review your entries before submitting the form.

ABP MOC Part 2 Accreditation Statement

The 2023 Pediatric Postgraduate Course is approved by the American Board of Pediatrics (ABP) for 16.00 points of MOC part 2 Self-Assessment Credits. Only physicians certified by the American Board of Pediatrics and its specialties can claim the 16.00 MOC part 2 points. In order to claim the MOC part 2 points, physicians must meet the following criteria:
1 - Register specifically for the CE/CME version of the course,
2 - Participate in and watch all the lectures sessions
3 - Complete and submit the MOC2 assignment within the deadline

Talk Details
Question 1
Type the question as it should appear to the learner
Enter wrong answers choices for this question below. (You must enter at least 3 wrong answers for this question, an additional 4th wrong answer can be entered.)
Wrong answer #4 (Optional)
Question 2
Type the question as it should appear to the learner
Enter wrong answers choices for this question below. (You must enter at least 3 wrong answers for this question, an additional 4th wrong answer can be entered.)
Wrong answer #4 (Optional)